

The GRMCD services the properties within the Grand Valley, from Fruita to Palisade and along the Colorado River corridor.


In 1982, a group of citizens raised a growing concern about a serious mosquito problem in the Redlands area. After conducting a petition drive and a random survey of homeowners in the area, the concerned citizen group organized a vote to instigate a mosquito control program, in their neighborhoods. With the help of Mesa State College, a citizen board was formed, and the Redlands Mosquito Control District was established.

The organization was established as a Special District. It is funded by a mil levy tax, which is assessed to the home and land owners living within the district boundaries. An elected citizen board of directors meet monthly, to make decisions regarding the personnel, the overhead, and the general mosquito control activities.

In 1997, the growing population of Fruita became concerned about the significant mosquito issues in their area. The Redlands Mosquito Control District answered the call, and an election was held to include the city of Fruita into the Special District. Again in 2005, in response to the West Nile Virus outbreak in Western Colorado, and in particular in the Grand Valley, the citizens of Palisade, Clifton, Fruitvale and Orchard Mesa held an election and joined the existing mosquito control efforts.

The Redlands Mosquito Control District emerged as the Grand River Mosquito Control District in 2005, which operates throughout the valley’s Colorado River basin. From its inception, the District has been dedicated to controlling mosquito populations in a responsible manner, by utilizing integrated pest management (IPM) principles, and employing biological larvicides. Over the years, the control program has improved performance, by remaining on the cutting edge of technology, introducing the use of global positioning systems (GPS / GIS). The GRMCD continues to improve its performance, by seeking for additional means to control mosquito populations. 

Suppress mosquito populations, within the boundaries of the district, and in an environmentally responsible manner.

Monitor both larval and adult mosquito populations; to organize the population statistics, to evaluate organizational efforts, and to plan subsequent control strategies.