Adult Mosquito Control Program

The Grand River Mosquito Control District controls pervasive adult mosquito populations from a vehicle equiped with an Ultra-Low Volume fogging machine.  The dates and locations of the fogging routes are determined by a combination of mosquito surveillance data, constituent phone calls and scheduled public events.  
In the interest of increased public acceptance of the fogging program, and concern for protecting the honeybee population in the District, Grand River Mosquito Control District adheres to the following protocols:
  • Fogging only after dark, after honeybees have all returned to their hives.
  • Maintaining up to date ‘No-Spray’ and ‘Call-First” lists of names and addresses of pesticide sensitive residents, beekeepers, and certified-organic farms/orchards, and turning off the fogger pump while passing the no-spray locations.
  • Beginning each fogging route in the most rural section of the route and moving toward the more populated areas later in the route.
  • Posting the planned fogging areas on the Grand River Mosquito Control District website.
  • Notifying the appropriate Homeowners Associations, when requested.
  • Carefully watching for pedestrians along the route, and turning off the fogger when pedestrians are sighted.
Please register your property with, if you have an organic farm, bee hives, or if you are pesticide sensitve.  GRMCD will add your property to the 'No Spray' list.

Suppress mosquito populations, within the boundaries of the district, and in an environmentally responsible manner.

Monitor both larval and adult mosquito populations; to organize the population statistics, to evaluate organizational efforts, and to plan subsequent control strategies.